Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hearts all...a...twitter

Taking a page right out of Babe Ruth's called home-run shot in the '32 World Series to make good on a promise to a hospital-bed-ridden young boy, Amy Mickelson has drawn a line in the sandtrap to all US Open contestants this year at Bethpage...

She texted Phil.

This wasn't just a Tweet to the world, no, she has been texting Phil with numerous hints that she wants this years' US Open trophy in her hospital room while she recovers from her July 1st surgery from her cancer diagnosis.
Obviously, he said he'd "try to accommodate that."

As a married man, I can tell you, that was a great response by Phil!

Just as Tiger was motivated by his father Earl, Phil will use his family's bump-in-the-road as motivation to carry him to victory this week.

There is a lot of drama already built-in to this year's Open, but the Mickelson's Ruthian story just fans the flames. Great for golf, great for fans.

This technology one-upmanship is getting out of hand though:

Word is that Tiger's family has accepted the "twittered" challenge thrown-down by Amy with a heart-tugging response of there own...

...I heard they posted it on YouTube...via Sam's Blackberry.

...Stewart Cink or John Daly can Tweet you the feed.

Thanks for reading. Keep it in the short-grass,


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