Sunday, January 08, 2012

The Art of Golf

An upcoming event in Atlanta that I'm looking forward to seeing is The Art of Golf a collection of unique masterpieces depicting golf though artists eyes and brushstrokes.

From The High: "the program is organized by the High Museum of Art, Atlanta, in collaboration with the National Galleries of Scotland.

The exhibition is made possible by Lead Sponsor Sotheby’s. Additional support is provided by the Friends of Scotland, The Imlay Foundation, The Fay and Barrett Howell Exhibition Fund and The Eleanor McDonald Storza Exhibition Endowment Fund.
The managing curator of the exhibition is Julia Forbes, the High’s Shannon Landing Amos Head of Museum Interpretation, and the consulting curator is Dr. Catherine Lewis, professor, golf historian and author of nine books including “Don’t Ask What I Shot: How Eisenhower’s Love of Golf Helped Shape 1950s America.”
The exhibition will be accompanied by a full-color catalogue featuring essays by Dr. Tico Seifert, Senior Curator of Dutch Art, National Galleries of Scotland; Jordan Mearns, National Galleries of Scotland; Dr. Catherine Lewis; and Rand Jerris, Senior Managing Director of Public Services, United States Golf Association.

The Art of Golf will be on view at the High from February 5 through June 3, 2012. It will tour to additional U.S. venues, yet to be announced, through the fall of 2013."


Jared said...

I'm glad the exhibit is last for a few months. Hopefully, I'll be able to get down to Atlanta and see it.

personalized golf accessories said...

It sounds wonderful! I sure wish I could be there! By the way, “Don’t Ask What I Shot: How Eisenhower’s Love of Golf Helped Shape 1950s America” is a great book! Thanks guys...