Saturday, November 08, 2014

Book review

It hits me on page 118, when The Golf Book sums-up my reading experience. In writing about Augusta National, author Chris Millard offers-up MacKenzie's Thirteen Principals of Golf Course Architecture.

As I review these principles, I will anyone fortunate enough to own this book, that The Golf Book is  parallel to MacKenzie's beliefs...transitioning from golf course to book.

The Golf Book is a time-capsule of the last 20 years of golf, as documented by The Golf Channel...a crazy idea born out of an unbending belief that a singular channel of 24/7 golf-on-the-tube, had a chance in the fertile, early days of cable.

The book grazes through events that sparked heavy interest in the viewing audience, and thus defined the legacy of what is today the 100-pound gorilla of golf-viewing.

The gem of this me, is the pages dedicated to golf courses, and the architects who sculpted these masterpieces of today...and tomorrow. Page-turning scenes of the most beautiful courses come alive and spur an inner desire to place each nugget in my bucket list.

Treat yourself to a walk down memory lane, and relive what has been a memorable 20 years of Golf Channel coverage.

As I read #12 of the Principles list: "There should be sufficient number of heroic carries"...I realize this book is filled with hero's that were carried by a heroic network.

Keep it in the short-grass,


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