Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Packing the Cutter Buck's

The weekend is fast approaching for the 3-day golf roadtrip to play The Trail ! I've had their websites' screensaver running on my computer for a month-and-a-half, so I am psyched that it's finally here!

Friday we'll play Ross Bridge , the newest entry to The Trail located Hoover AL just outside Birmingham.
Saturday we're playing 36 holes of Oxmoor Valley located in Birmingham.
Sunday we'll finish up with Silver Lakes which is in Anniston AL.

We'll play from the Orange tees, as all of us top out at the 6800+ yard lengths

Since my bud did the grunt-work setting up the whole golf trip with lodging and tee times, we'll be using my Bravada for the 400 mile loop. We're all putting $40 into the kitty for the prize pool over the weekend.

After I take all their money on the golf course, I'm hoping they'll still pay for gas getting home. $nosebleed/gal, its nothing to sneeze at. :-)

I caught a good deal on some new golf balls (with great reviews) that I'll be playing for the first time: JD Tour's. They are a John Daly signature 3-piece ball (similar to ProV's). They have his lion trademark stamped on the them. Being a Leo, I couldn't resist, and hey, I need the good karma: $25/2 dozen....

I find I wimper less when I lose an inexpensive golf ball.

After wire-brushing the rust off of my golf swing for the last month-and-a-half, I will be focusing on 2 swing thoughts, and 2 course management thoughts for the rest of the year:

Swing thoughts:
I want to think about my posture over every swing and putt. My mental-feel will be squeezing my shoulder blades together.
I want to have my elbows in during all putts. My mental-feel will be pressing my elbows against my ribcage as if I were holding an egg between each one.

Course management thought:
I want to be below the hole on every approach shot. So if I'm between clubs, I'll take the lesser one.
I want to focus on the length of putt. The line being arbitrary, as it will be dictated by my pre-shot routine.

Always the tinkerer, I have taken all the lead-tape off my golf clubs, and re-taped them, centered, in lower-spots on the back of all my clubs. I've also taped my metals so I have more feel of the clubheads.
More clubhead feel=more control.

Hopefully the weather cooperates. If not, we have cards, scotch, and poker chips.

Any way it falls, the conversations and comraderie that ensue throughout the weekend, will be the foundation that the golf trip revolves around.

Golf is just the bonus.....

.....unless I have a 5-footer for all the dough. ;-)

Thanks for reading. Keep it in the short-grass,


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