Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Vitamin T...it's what's for breakfast

This past weekend, Shaun Micheel had an unbelievable run during the World Match Play Championship only to lose to an equally impressive Paul Casey. Shaun's pinnacle of the week was knocking off a Tiger.

In fact Shaun has had a very impressive run of late....3 top 10's, earning over a million so far this year.

That should buy him a really good supply of AndroGel.

Yeah...the whole golf world knows about his professed "Low T" problem, but for some reason everyone (including the media) seems ok with it.

How is it that Mark McGwire gets vilified for using Andro pills, creating a witchhunt that has turned the baseball world inside out...yet a pro golfer (from the US no less) uses a gel form to alleviate "symptoms" that half the population has (depression, irritableness, loss of sex drive...etc)....wins over a million since his "diagnosis" in '05....and we act as if everything is normal.

I'd bet you dimes to donuts Tiger isn't ok with it either, and I think that's why he put a little alchohol on Finchems festering wound a couple weeks ago.
His loss to Shaun in the first round last week really should have magnified this situation.
Don't you find it a little odd that Tiger (winner of 4 in a row) goes out early against a guy that hasn't won since the '03 PGA....has had 3 different instructors since then, and has been about as unfamiliar to a leaderboard as King Finchem is to drug-use-reality? In '05, Shaun's wife suggests he get tested for a "low energy ailment"...the Doc finds he has "Low T", prescribes a gel that Shaun rubs into his shoulders. Miraculously he is "cured", and is suddenly a threat to place in every tournament.

I want to know; did this "Doc" also screen from anemia, adrenal insufficiency, depression, medication side effects? Does Shaun have AIDS (45% have low T)? Is he 77 years old with osteoporosis (over half)?

No, he's a guy in his 30's looking for a fix. And the PGA is too stupid to question why he should be allowed to compete in this game. A game that according to King Finch "has players that are held at the high standards of the game."

By the way, one of the gazillion "symptoms" of "Low T" is grouchiness (I'M NOT KIDDING): During Shaun's final round at the Worlds, he was hacking it all over the place like a cat with a hairball stuck in its throat, when he lashed out at his caddy on the 17th hole: "don't say another word to me today"

...guess Shaun forgot to cycle his meds.

Thanks for reading. Keep it in the short-grass,


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