Monday, November 20, 2006

Cleaning up the Clubhouse

I'm a self-confessed neat-freak. For me, a room that is clean and clutter-free is an oasis. This goes for whether I'm at home, a hotel...

...or on my blog.

When Blogger-Beta came out, I....being a technophobe, jumped at the opportunity of being the first to experience The Next Big Thing. Problem was, I'm a technophobe that never read The Complete Idiots Guide to Being a Technophobe, so when the bugs started cropping-up, my anxiety reached the 3-foot-putt-with-$20-on-the-line level. Luckily, Google is prepared for guys like me, and has engineers working round-the-clock de-bugging The Next Big Thing.

I'm happy to say that I found exactly 2 hours of quiet-time where I could totally immerse myself into the Blogger Beta, and re-create what I believe to be a better user-experience for my fans of MyDailySlice.

A couple features I want to point out: in my BlogRoll column, you can glide your mouse over the blog name to let you know the last date of its post.
At the bottom of my site I have an RSS feed of golf news that is updated 24/7 on my blog for your enjoyment.
Also, if you're a new reader (first-off thank-you!), I've "tagged" all my posts so you can go to my Posts by subject column and read all the posts of a subject you're interested in. This allowed me to condense my archive, but you can still read my posts chronologically if you wish from the drop-down menu.

The bottom-line is that I believe I've created a cleaner-looking site...un-cluttered, more user-friendly, and more colorful! It's still in Beta, and there are still stray bugs that come around, but the New Blogger is light-years better than the older version.

Whew! All this cleaning house has gotten me motivated.

So, excuse me while I go organize my golf bag and clean my clubs.

Thanks for reading. Keep it in the short-grass,


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