Awhile back I posted a tip that I sent to GOLF magazine for a submission to their My Best Tip review.
Then I posted that it was accepted, and that I would be in their April, The Masters Peview Issue.
I just got my GOLF April edition...and in The Starter section of the magazine...there I the My Best Tip column!
I also was mailed a dozen logoed ProV1's for my being selected.
So it's not American Idol...but to me...I'm as giddy as a student when the bell rings on the last day of school! My family and friends will now get to see the framed page above the fireplace mantle...okay...I'm still working out those details...but I'm sure it'll garner a prominent spot.
...what's that honey?... the the basement?!
Clearly, some people just don't get it.
Thanks for reading. Keep it in the short-grass,
Congrats, JFB. That's very cool.
Congratulations. Now I'll have to actually read the tips. . .
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