Saturday, December 27, 2014

Book Review: Church of Golf

A lot of us wish to have 2nd chances. Some are simple mulligans that we take on the golf course, but most mulligans don't come in life. So is the story revealed by the author of a very enlightened book: Church of Golf.

The main character resembles a close friend of his that got caught in the addiction spiral, and did not make it out at the other end.
The story is about a guy that had fame, lost it, then had an opportunity for a mulligan from an Aunt... if he lives on a religious communal village for 3 years...oh, that happens to be on a golf Hawai'i...and after the 3 years he is bequeathed $3 million dollars.


Well, I'll leave you to find out what happens in this very engaging book that is light, yet allows you to think about the main character Donald, and take sides with him on deciding whether the grass is really greener over there

The real mulligan happens in the Postscript when the author reveals how he lost his friend, and decided to write this story, and model character Donald after him.
In doing so, the author Spencer Stephens got his mulligan in being able to think of his real friend Donald in a better place than where he ended.

That is a very cool story.

Keep it in the short-grass,


1 comment:

Ledges Golf Club said...

Fantastic book! Not just for the avid golfer but for all. It makes it that much better that golf is so important in it.