Tuesday, June 13, 2006

J.B., we barely knew ye

J.B. Holmes, annointed early this year by CBS's own Jim Nance as the next great white hope, has fallen on hard times. Reports of an arthritic elbow seem to be confirmed, as he has withdrawn or not made the cut all of May, and so far, all this month.

Don't feel to sorry for him though, as he has made quite more income this year than the national average of, oh say....Earth.

His young career has had more turns than an antique door handle, and he has been labeled as a poster boy for the path to early success on tour. Not only are the folks in Kentucky inquiring minds, but the golf nation is watching him hawk the latest products pushed on him. Hey, get it while you got it!

Whether he recovers from his ailments (health or otherwise), remains to be seen. One thing is for certain, pundits would be better off holding their breath to see how a career pans out, rather than putting the undue pressure on these young kids (yes, I'm including Wie, et al) to perform to our expectations, rather than their own.

Thanks for reading. Keep it in the short-grass,



Anonymous said...

Dang, that's a shame. I had high hopes for him just like everyone else. Hope he makes it back. I've got a similar problem with my elbow that keeps me from being able to play 2-3 days in a row.

MyDailySlice said...

Hey there! I read your blog on Punta Cana....bummer about your back. a local radio station sent their jockeys there for a week. Every one of them came back with terrible stomach ailments. I guess you should consider yourself lucky?

I used to get a sore shoulder from too much golf, but now that I'm swinging at a steeper plane, it's disappeared.

Anonymous said...

Haaa! Truth is, my stomach was messed up for about 5 days. Back was worse though. I just need to buck up and go to the Doctor!