Saturday, April 10, 2010

Ahhh spring...

Among the depths of pollen-dusted sidewalks and car-tops, there are few rites of spring that hit the state of Georgia with as much punch.

Except when you are a 16 year old Italian winning the Georgia Cup that is typically won by local amateurs.

...then you sit up and take notice.

So, while many of the Augustan Army-nation clambers to get a glimpse of "the man" in dark sunglasses, the better views will be had around 10 am this morning, when the future will be teeing off.

The future is one Matteo Manassero. "The boy" who made the cut into this weekend at the Masters.

"Young Seve" he is called in his homeland, at 16, was the second-youngest to win the British Amateur...that lore goes to Tom Morris.

But Matteo won in America last week at the Georgia Cup at the Golf Club of Georgia...a smootch of a track.

Amongst his juggling act of school and playing in Europe, the 16 year old, has become the darling of the International circuit...and US golf needs to embrace him. Media would be wise to let the youngster show his talents on live TV this weekend.

Tiger didn't turn pro until 20. Matteo is 16, and, like Tiger, his parents have him grounded and in charge of his destiny.

And while two of the top Europeans battle it out today which should be very exciting match play...the one they need to keep an eye on is Matteo.

Seve is.

Thanks for reading. Keep it in the short-grass,


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